It is a common misconception that everything will pass to your wife/husband/partner if you die without a Will in place. This is not the case. Without a Will the law will decide who benefits, regardless of what you intended.
Making a Will is especially important for unmarried couples as the law does not provide for you, and your partner will not benefit without a Will.
We can help you protect your assets, give you peace of mind and reduce the stress and heartache on your relatives in the future.
The main things to consider are:
- What property and possessions will you leave to family and friends;
- Making provision for your spouse/partner and children;
- Deciding who will care for your children;
- Funeral directions and costs;
- Reducing Inheritance Tax payments.
We understand it may be difficult to attend our office and we therefore offer home, care home or hospital visits to those in need who suffer health or mobility problems.
Call us today on 01484 840 445 or complete our Will instruction form and drop it in to one of our offices or email it to and we shall contact you to arrange an appointment.